Select the right product category and source language and conveniently order your certified translation.
You need a certified translation whenever you need to present official documents that are not written in the local language.
Our translators are sworn or authorized as document translators in Germany.
If your translation is not in the German language, it may be necessary to have the translation over-certified. Please find out in advance exactly which formalities your certified translation and your original documents must fulfill.
Order the official german translation of your documents from Holland!
Thanks to the EU Regulation 2016/1191, many public documents – such as birth, marriage, or death certificates – are recognized without an Apostille between EU member states.
However, authorities in Germany and other EU countries often still require a certified translation from Dutch to ensure the content is legally sound.
Even if an Apostille is not required, certified translations are often necessary in Germany, especially for older documents or when no multilingual form is available.
In our shop, you can easily and quickly order certified translations of your Dutch documents online. Whether it’s a birth certificate, school transcript, or any other official document, our experienced translators ensure your translations are precise and legally compliant.
We guarantee the highest level of care and confidentiality in handling your documents. With our assistance, you can be confident that your documents will be accepted throughout Germany and the EU.
Order your certified translation now – directly in our shop!
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