Select the right product category and source language and conveniently order your certified translation.
You need a certified translation whenever you need to present official documents that are not written in the local language.
Our translators are sworn or authorized as document translators in Germany.
If your translation is not in the German language, it may be necessary to have the translation over-certified. Please find out in advance exactly which formalities your certified translation and your original documents must fulfill.
Order the certified translation of your documents from Australia easily through our shop.
Your documents will be translated by a sworn translator for English in Germany and provided with a stamp and signature. The official translation of Australian certificates, diplomas, and documents is recognized by offices, authorities, and companies in Germany.
If you cannot find your Australian document in the shop, simply send it to us via the contact form. We will promptly send you a fixed-price quote for the certified translation!
65,00 €
65,00 €
45,00 €
Even though English is a widely spoken language, in Germany you will often need to submit not only your Australian original document but also a certified German translation.
Authorities and offices in particular rely on this, as a sworn translator confirms the accuracy and completeness of the translation from English.
Official documents, such as certificates, birth certificates, or similar, require legalization for use abroad. This means a higher authority confirms that the document is genuine.
If you wish to submit your documents from Australia in Germany, you will need an Apostille in addition to the certified translation.
If you are still in Australia, you must direct your request to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT):
You need to appear in person at the Passport Office in Sydney or Melbourne and book an appointment, or you can send the following documents by registered mail to the Passport Office in Sydney, Melbourne, or Canberra: the original document, credit card details, and a self-addressed, registered return envelope.
Australian Passport Office Authentications Section
GPO Box 2239
Australian Passport Office Authentications Section
GPO Box 2239
Australian Passport Office Authentications Section
GPO Box 9908
The cost is approximately $95.
Requests from Germany must be directed to the Australian Embassy in Berlin or the Australian Consulate in Frankfurt/Main. You can book an appointment for a personal visit or send the following documents by registered mail to the mentioned embassy: the original Australian document, a simple copy of your passport, and an informal letter with your full name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and the purpose of the legalization.
Australian Embassy Berlin
Wallstraße 76–79,
10179 Berlin
+49 30 / 88 00 88 0
The cost is approximately €60 and must be paid on-site or via email payment instructions.
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